
Mechatronics and Life

There is simply nothing of importance whatsoever.




Can't wait until December :P

1. I'm going back to visit VHHH once again.
2. I'm going to ride A380 for the very first time in my life.

3. I'm Going to visit relatives.
My grandma is now having all sorts of health problems, no one knows what's going to happen after the year so really I need to visit her. :-(

Also, I need to visit other relatives that I haven't visited for a long time...

4. Visiting my father.
That's a really important thing isn't it?

5. Goodbye Canon 860IS and Hello EOS 50D

Someone might ask "Why you are not going for 60D. More Pixels and Video"
60D is not good enough.
Seriously, no,Higher fps and CF Cards are more worthy features than Half-cooked Video and higher MP. Composite body? Ugh. No multiple flash support? Damn. no AF micro-adjust? Heh.

Price? 50D is cheaper by $200. and 50D is just $100 dearer than 550D. So why not go for 50D? It's better than both.



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円高対策第8弾 対策は日銀がするので極めて重大な関心を持って注意深く見守る
円高対策第9弾 今の為替は行き過ぎだという政府声明を出し注意深く見守る
円高対策第10弾 今の為替は自民党時代のせいなので注意深く見守る
円高対策第11弾 今の為替は日銀のせいなので注意深く見守る
円高対策第12弾 為替は国民のせいなので注意深く見守る
