Well one god-damn person from the school stopped me from bringing my DSLR to sports day due to "privacy concerns". Wow what a good reason to save himself from more work.He sounded informed over the phone but really he doesn't have a clue. Well let's talk about it.
1. The right to privacy was never there.
Unless we have a bill of Rights we will never have the right to privacy (even it is governed by law). But really laws mean nothing. Hence "Constitutionally speaking, there has never been a national concept of a “ Right To Privacy ”"
Does he understand that? Even there's a 2006 Act passed in Vic there's really nothing to it. More so "The statutory protection is quite weak, and whether this will actually help at all in stemming the tide of privacy-invasive behaviour is unclear" So a law tried to fix things didn't fix at it supposed to. Nothing to look here, move on.
2. One can never push me around and seize my camera or film (“ battery ”), or even force you to delete digital files (“ coercion ”).
"Although property owners may use “ reasonable force ” to evict people, they can never threaten violence (“ assault ”), detain you at length (“ false imprisonment ”), push you around and seize your camera or film (“ battery ”), or even force you to delete digital files (“ coercion ”)."
Dare to seize my camera? If you wreck it you pay for it. That's simple. I wouldn't trust anyone to use my camera outside of my dad and people who I am instructing. A Canon EOS 7D and 70-200 F/4L USM is not cheap. :) Well I might get you lots to pay extra for a Canon EOS 1D Mark IV and 300/2.8L II IS it things do go wrong.
Telling me to delete pictures? I only delete pictures if it is either:
not a keeper
Too many shots
It's that girl
Anything other than that they can cry as long as they like.
3. Venue Problems.
"If however the event is held on property not owned or controlled by the organisers, then you are free to photograph as much as you like."
*cough* East Burwood Reserve is by no means controlled by Blackburn High School. So go figure.
4.Pictures taken within school events are of copyright of school.
"Alongside ignorance about the Privacy Act(s), one of the commonest misconceptions about photography is that it can be prevented “ due to copyright ”. This is incorrect — no part of the Copyright Act prohibits any kind photography! Copyright only applies to the published duplication of original works, such as books, paintings, dramatic works, prints, drawings, motion pictures, DVDs, audio recordings etc."
If it's picture taken by me it's mine. (Unless I have given my copyright up and placed it in the Public Domain) Not the schools. The fact that all Luna Park shots that I did (that appeared on the newsletter) are of copyright of mine. I just gave the permission to publish them on to the school letter.
In fact I can sue them for not stating the photographer and that copyright belongs to me. Just that there's too much work for too little. (Well I can sue them for a bit of $$$ but why bother?)
After all, the school rules on Photography are pretty much in a mess. They are either wrong or out of age. They never respect Photographers like me . Looking at the records of our school, I highly doubt that they will ever fix it. Thank god I am getting out of this mess after this year. Before that I just have to work hard to prove that a Photographer is actually a decent student. Afterall, still worth a rant though. At least it takes my anger out at those Bastards.
That's what Mr Baxter told me because I had been receiving 12 hours of English teaching per week for 6 years in Primary School . He said that's far too much.
For fucks sake, no one will be able to master a second language with only 12 hours a week. I am only slowly mastering my Japanese because I spend 40hrs on it per week. That's not even enough. I am still rather behind in some area like fixing my prononciation for Kanji.
Mr. Baxter reckons one can master a second language with only 12 hours per week and he's got his head completety up on his arse. No one unless an absolute genius can achieve such result withing that kind of short timeframe and no I am no genius.
No, a language is not like science and humanities, it just cannot be achieved quickly. It's a slow and painful journey in which Mr Baxter understands bugger all of it. He assumes me that I am capable within a few months and no that's impossible.
No surprise that I got a completely rubbish timetabling again. Exams on all of the 5 days. On the other hand it means I get more study time for Chem and Physics. Still I would rather do 6 exams on 3 days. At least I will have a busier week-before-the-exam but a lot more time to chill. Don't want my mind bothering about exams for too long.
Still, even being a half-decent Science Student I would expect a more balanced timetabling than that.
Maths/Science should get a higher priority on 3,4,5,6.
Day 1: English, Maths Methods
Seriously I would rather have 3,4,5,6 rather than 1,2,3,4. At least I will get 1hr more sleep this way.
English: Hardest subject of the pick. Macbeth is the key here.
Maths Methods:
Just keep putting more intense effort in (9 hr in this 3 weeks) and all will be well.
Focus on Probability and Trig. Differentiation should be fine.
Do more work on CAS Calculator.
Day 2: Systems Engineering
Well, 1-2 hr effort into systems over 3 weeks should do me justice. Cramming.
Day 3: Physics
The 2nd hardest subject of the pick. Need to be really careful with Physics because it is a lot harder than last semester. A lot more work on light.
Day 4: Chemistry
Redox is the main battle here. Volumetric Analysis should be a walk in the park with good practice.
It is the actual end of my exam this year.After day 4 it is gaming/relaxing all round.
Day 5: IT (!)
IT can go to hell itself, Not going to put any more than 1 hr of effort into studying for IT. 11pm Cramming FTW
Alright lots of us got hit with the fucking infamous pink slip again, even teachers are growing sick of it. Even me as a student is completely annoyed by this goddamn bureaucracy which doesn't make any sense.
Yes, getting me motivated to fill out those sorts of useless is like telling me to jump from Level 102 of Empire State Building.It never happens. The office or Ms Hsu can expect at least 2 god damn weeks before they can expect me to hand it back.
Alright after all this rough talk let's get into the real deal of this topic, I will try to be as ignorant as I can:
1.Why have two systems working in a tandem against each other? This is what puzzles me. For starters, you don't need two roll system at all . In no sense the idea of having a separate system for period 1 and another for the rest of the day is useful. School Records do get confusing and you don't need to add more to it's complexity! By the way, if I am marked absent on the period 1 system, I am flagged as away for the whole day even though I am here for the rest of that day ! What sense does this make? ZERO! Or even negative is acceptable in this case. How on the fucking earth can such easy job can be made that hard? Can't they just simplify the whole jargonso there's less headache for everyone?
One system dealing with all the roll call makes life for everyone a lot easier, less confusing school records, no more period 1 away marked as whole day absent.No more Ms Hsu chasing us down ECML for not being here even though being here. That's what it matters.
2.Another matter which fascinates me is that there is little or no flexibility in school operation. When we asked from reform in the roll system, Ms Hsu answered us cold that "I didn't make the rules and I am not the one to talk to". That is uprightly lazy, isn't it? Student communicates through year-level coordinators to express their concern, isn't that how it works? But in this case she didn't listen to our concerns on how school operates and that totally violates the basic principles of being a year-level coordinator.
3. What's going on with the office? Aren't they blind or just being totally inefficient on their job ? This Wednesday period 1, Ms Carrington asked me to hand in the roll to the office. I handed it in to them and guess what happened? Our whole chemistry class got hit by the inconceivable pink slips which mean our class were away for the whole day. This is just pure stupidity. I did hand the roll in and we are all here. The office? They completely ignored our class' roll. They might have treated it as waste paper and threw it away and this just shows how careless they are. They don't read what's on there and that's just fucking unacceptable.
Can we have a more efficient office so that things don't get juggled around and lost? It created more god damn headaches more than anything useful.
4. Expanding on the term inflexibility, another fact that such rules "school uniform must be worn correctly on the way to school and back" (which is to protect the school image outside) exists in Blackburn High . Seriously, no one outside of school cares about whether you are wearing uniform correctly or not, people often add on another jacket just to keep them warm. Does anyone want to catch a cold walking to school? Excatly. The rebuttal for this is, one can wear something not visible under school uniform. Doesn't the school realises that it gets warm midday at times? Such outdated conservative rules which doesn't affect behaviour should be dug up and thrown out of the window instantly.
At the end of the day, everyone is completely annoyed, disgraced and disgruntled by the Blackburn High School's Roll System which its Bureaucracy ,Stupidity and inflexibility contain no bounds. Really, its getting worse and worse each day. In the end everyone loses and no one wins, just like a hung parliament. But at least, hung parliament is a better thing than an unspeakably inefficient school roll system by a factor of 2^64. As always two-party politics is a bad thing.