
Mechatronics and Life

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Whoever wrote the exam timetable has their head up their arse again

No surprise that I got a completely rubbish timetabling again. Exams on all of the 5 days. On the other hand it means I get more study time for Chem and Physics. Still I would rather do 6 exams on 3 days. At least I will have a busier week-before-the-exam but a lot more time to chill. Don't want my mind bothering about exams for too long.

Still, even being a half-decent Science Student I would expect a more balanced timetabling than that. Maths/Science should get a higher priority on 3,4,5,6.
Day 1: English, Maths Methods
Seriously I would rather have 3,4,5,6 rather than 1,2,3,4. At least I will get 1hr more sleep this way.

English: Hardest subject of the pick. Macbeth is the key here.

Maths Methods:
Just keep putting more intense effort in (9 hr in this 3 weeks) and all will be well.
Focus on Probability and Trig.  Differentiation should be fine. 
Do more work on CAS Calculator.

Day 2: Systems Engineering
Well, 1-2 hr effort into systems over 3 weeks should do me justice. Cramming.

Day 3: Physics
The 2nd hardest subject of the pick.  Need to be really careful with Physics because it is a lot harder than last semester. A lot more work on light.

Day 4: Chemistry
Redox is the main battle here.  Volumetric Analysis should be a walk in the park with good practice.
  It is the actual end of my exam this year.After day 4 it is gaming/relaxing all round.

Day 5: IT (!)
IT can go to hell itself, Not going to put any more than 1 hr of effort into studying for IT. 11pm Cramming FTW