I'm rather tired when I wrote this and I only rode on sections between Springfield/Springvale Rd and Springvale SC (most of it former 888/889) so this post is just a FYI
It's 2010 so Happy New Year. But it comes with an exciting element, a new resolution has to be done and yes I am doing it so don't aruge about it.
1. Be hardworking. 2009 was pretty laid back and with it brought some disappointment. Espically in maths where I averaged about 83% which is quite low in my standard. Yr 11 is coming and I would fail epicly if I laid back so gotta get working. I don't want to screw up English either since it's bad enough already. I need to do alot harder than this year.
2. Be organised. 2009 was a pretty unorganised year, with all my notes flying around. It ended up slowing up my efficency as I had a hard time attempting to finnd all these notes. More Folders and a better sue of my journal should solve most of these problems.
3. Be prepared for anything and react quickly. There's always challenges which are presented to me in multiple forms. I need to prepare myself and react to it really quickly.
4. Don't be discouraged. Often there's multiple things which would either distract or discourage me from doing important things. I need to get through them and keep pushing myself to where I can. I would fail my life if I get too discouraged.
5. Be Compentent. Ignorance brings nothing but disaster. I need to keep myself a competent men and an easy-goer. Don't get too much rage out of yourself.
6. Be patient. I am an impatient man and I need to tune my patience up to a level where I won't get fussed with small things.
7. Be creative. 2009 lacked creativity from me so it ended up being a dull year. Think more and use the brain more.
8.Be self-caring. Keeping myself healthy is a quintesstenial path on the roadway to success. Keeping myself healthy can help a lot in different areas. More vegies, less meat and more excerise would do it.
9.Be more careful. Talk slower and think before doing anything.
That's about it I think. Time to stick to it and see what will happen.