
Mechatronics and Life

There is simply nothing of importance whatsoever.




2 more to go

[08:07:02] <Matt-R> The IANA free pool contains 7 unallocated unicast IPv4 /8s.

[08:07:15] <Matt-R> so.. 2 more to go


Certainly we are almost there, just a matter of how long it will stretch out. Before this year ends or early next year?

November in Review

Well It's 1st December now so I'd better do a month in review. It's been a rather good month in all sake of honesty.

Consider how life has gone this month compared to the last few months, I am more of a complete person. I am much happier than I was 3 months ago.  I am becoming more of an independent thinker. I act according to my own decreed and so on. There's really nothing for me to conform (except studying) unlike Madeline. I can do anything I like as long as it runs in an acceptable line.

I have done the Exams pretty well this time around.
Maths: 92%
Chemistry: 94%  (scaled to 96%)
Physics: 91.67% (scaled to more than 100%)
English: C+ (Really what I need)
The other 2 subjects are not worth mentioning.

Certainly I worked a lot harder this time therefore I should wholly deserve the results. I can do better in Methods though. Year 12 will be the real battle though. But more will be done next year.

Ran for school captain and failed but that was expected. :)

Just to finish off my utterly-ruined affair with Madeline Coleman-Bock(Now it's really hard for me to pronounce her name as time went by) off for once and last. Well it's been more than 3 months since I last talked to Madeline. But by now I have a developed a sense of "Make yourself as cold as you are and develop a sense of hatred towards her." Indeed I now hate her just for the sake of making myself forgetting the past. Simple and relatively less painful. Therefore is rather nice not to talk to her any more to show how cold-blooded and changed a person am I. I am not the half-arsed person I used to be, now I am becoming more of a determined, rationally-thinking geek who only cares about things close around him (and obviously things around the world) . 

It's business as usual in the world of IRC for the whole November. I am enjoying useful things from the warmth and awesomeness that the whole #internode channel brings. Q-bean, Clbh, Matt_R, silne, DJ_HiP and so on are just simply a bunch of awesome people. I enjoy talking to them and at times I learn things from them on how to deal with daily problems, IT stuff and the rest. They are also a big factor into altering my mind set from the past. They helped me to iron out the difference of the past and the future. My personality is somewhat shaped by them as a result.In fact it's generally more desirable to hang out on IRC than hanging out on 600 Block during recess/lunch. Nothing can beat the awesome Hewes and Coleman though.

I also finished off my DSLR plan during November. 7D has been bought as far as I am concerned .I have finally decided to get Canon EF 70-200 f/4L USM Lens instead of Tamron 70-300/4-5.6 VC USD. Although I lose around 100mm of reach but I gain better optics, faster AF, sharper pictures. Now that's a good decision. Well I won't be able to touch in until late January which sucks. But hey, my body in coming this Saturday and I still have Matt_R's old EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS to play with. That's good enough for the moment. I have to have to iron out the functions on my 7D anyway.

I am still a railfan but this month didn't give me too much of a chance to travel. I only travelled on Trains or Trams a few times this month. Not really suffice enough to call myself a crazy railfan. Gunzeling was also non-existent owing the fact that I am still waiting for my 7D to come to me.
But perhaps after all the puzzles come together I can do more gunzeling even though I am in Year 12.
Well there's a lot of puzzles for me to solve next year, I should be able to finish all them though :-)

Surely watching anime is still something I do. Indeed, the October season gave me a lot of things to go through. Yosuga no Sora, Index II and Fortune Arterial... That's the only three I am getting into this season. It's too busy for me to watch Ore on imoto :P. Anyway they are all good stuff. Just that Yosuga no Sora is a bit over-the-top. 

Well this should end my month in review...