
Mechatronics and Life

There is simply nothing of importance whatsoever.




Eastside's Thoughts: Do I really have the desire to stay in Australia for my career?

If my plan goes right in my favour, this will be an answer most of you wouldn't expect.

The answer is not really.

In all sense Australia is a nice place to live and work in but I am looking for more than that. There's more awaiting me around the world. I am going to stay in Australia to get my experience but then I might apply for International Engineering Firms and demonstrate my Language skills. From that hopefully they will transfer me to Japan/Taiwan/UK where I feel I should belong to.

Indeed, I might wander around the world until 65. I might be living in US for a few -> JP for a few and other places like Taiwan, China, UK or even Sweden. That's pretty similar to how a lone traveller goes doesn't it? :-)

Well I wouldn't know what will be my life after 18 so this is all simply speculation of my future.