
Mechatronics and Life

There is simply nothing of importance whatsoever.




1 more day

1 more day till October.

For me September has been a lot better than August.The events at late August made it really bad. Read previous posts for more clarification.

This month the Central Trip was magnificent if there's no better word to describe it. Indeed it was awesome to the point that I can't be bothered to write a journal about it. (Well hopefully I will do it tomorrow)


I r back

Flew back from Darwin to Melbourne 3 days ago.

Went to Ayer's Rock , Alice Springs, Nitmiluk and Kakadu. Obviously I also went to Darwin.

Did 1900km on bus, not bad consider we did 800km in a day or so.

A really good trip :)


It's been 9 years since 2 planes crashed into both World Trade Centre. May all the victims Rest in Peace and may their family feel less sorrow about the death of their loved ones.